Ariane Leblanc, Blog 12.09.11 – Present

Detail from my 12 feet by 7.5 feet wall painting

Alicia Mersy (Central Saint Martins MA)
Ariane Leblanc (Central Saint Martins BA)
Ariel Méthot (Concordia BA)
Bahia Haddam (Central Saint Martins BA)
Emmanuel Mauriès-Rinfret (UQAM BA)

invite you to the private view of EXPOSITION DE PEINTURE/A PAINTING SHOW on Wednesday September, 25th from 7pm at 240 avenue Outremont. The work on show would be the direct consequence of having worked for two weeks previous to the opening in an emptied house in Outremont. Wishing to reaffirm the importance of spending time and working in a physical space, the work produced will allow isolated and non-regular practices to become something of the tangible for the time being, acknowledging the richness of a shared studio in production and today’s contemporary world. The exhibition would also underline the complexity and wide range of references in studying aboard, especially in regards to coming back home and living somewhere else, having stretched and being part of different distinct milieus. This will also be the opportunity to come in contact with a new model of working from today’s young generation being extremely aware of the ephemeral, reactive and often precarious reality and needs brought with the desire of wanting to sustain a regular artistic production.

Private view on Wednesday September 25th, 2013 from 19 to 22h
Opens to public Thursday 26th, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th from 10 to 17h
240 Outremont Avenue, Montreal.
